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tv   Washington Journal  CSPAN  October 2, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT

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his book, "the next america." talking about the role of millennials this election cycle. ♪ host: good morning. it is sunday, october 2, 2016 on today's three-hour "washington journal." which party will control the the senate next congress. we will look at the baby boomers and millennial generations in recent elections. we will focus on the white house. a new york times story yesterday offered a look at donald trump's tax records. according to documents, donald id $916 million in
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losses in 1995, which may have allowed him to avoid paying personal income tax for 18 years. we are asking our viewers whether donald trump's tax history matters to you. does his background as a businessman make a difference in how you would you those returns? if you are a donald trump supporter, (202) 748-8001. hillary clinton supporters, (202) 748-8000. third-party supporter, (202) 748-8002. if you are undecided, (202) 748-8003. you can catch up with us on social media, on twitter, on facebook. a very good sunday morning to you. we're taking you right to the lead story in "the new york times." declared a $916
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million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years. records obtained by the new york times noted that although donald trump's taxable income is yet unknown, a $916 million loss in 1995 would have been large enough to write off for the $50 million a year in taxable income over 18 years. the story going on to note on the inside page along with pictures of income tax returns from 1995, fragmentary as they are, they nonetheless provide new insight into donald trump's finances, and it -- a subject of intense scrutiny. the emphasizes his business record during the presidential campaign. 1995an see a copy of the
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resident income tax return that was obtained by "the new york times." million. $913 a little more than that. we want to hear your thoughts this morning. we are going through that story by "the new york times." the efforts to verify those documents, that story making its own headlines in other papers this morning. here is the front page of today's "daily news." loss 916 million in 95, couldn't skip tax on $50 million for 18 years. politico what they headline, also using that term bombshell. bombshell reports on donald trump's taxes, gop nominee really. it puts!
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exclamation point. to intensify focus on his returns. we're talking about those returns and how much they matter to you as somebody who is voting, who is watching this presidential election. we have phone line numbers for donald trump supporters, (202) 748-8001. hillary clinton supporters, (202) 748-8000. third-party supporters, (202) 748-8002. if you are undecided, (202) 748-8003. we will start with keith from chicago illinois. a third clinton supporter. good morning. caller: good morning. it really matters to me a lot. here is why. the person that performs the tax code needs to make sure they are not using it themselves. release your taxes.
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another billionaire you would describe as the queen of mean, she was from the 1990's. her whole empire crumbled after aremade a statement, taxes for the little people. that is when she was called queen of mean. i find it off that donald trump were insulted by this woman who also broke the law, but are now championing a guy and once morexes tax cuts for the wealthy. that line for donald trump supporters. mark, good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. donald johnson history does not matter to me. this was back in 1995. he is looking out for the
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people. what bothers me more than the christian times newspaper article yesterday, breaking tens of thousands of clinton votes found in ohio warehouse. you can find that on the internet, yesterday in the christian times newspaper. you don't hear anything about that. you don't hear anything about hillary and her only giving 10% of the money she was given. how does anyone gets a hold of this kind of tax information anyway? i am a little lost. how does this happen? is this a trick? that is addressed in the new york times story. three pages from what appeared to be mr. trumps 1995 tax returns, they were mailed last month to a reporter at the times who has written about donald
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trump's chances in the past. the documents were the first pages of a new york state resident income tax return, the first page of an eu gently -- of a new jersey and connecticut nonresident income tax return. only the new jersey forms had what appeared to be there signatures. they arrived i mail at the times with a postmark indicating that they had been sent from new york city. the return address claimed the envelope had been sent from trump tower. that is according to the story. also noting that tax experts consulted by the times said nothing in the documents suggest trump,ngdoing from mr. even the extraordinary size of the loss he declared would have extra screenacted from irs examiners at the time. we want to hear your thoughts. this story is making headlines this morning. richmond, virginia, a
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clinton supporter. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. caller: hi all care about donald trump's taxes. i don't care about the e-mails. i don't care about any of the garbage that is being spewed over the airways. it is a disruption of what we need to know about. i think every moment that donald trump can keep these types of issues in front of everybody, it keeps us from really understanding what he really knows about running the country, being a good person, being a good example for the united states of america. every moment that he can keep all these issues in the headlines -- host: you think you would rather talk about his tax returns? caller: he does not want to talk about it. he wants to call names. he wants to keep controversy
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going because that keeps us from getting to policy and ideas in his ability to do something other than build walls and talk about people and call names and spew hatred. host: back to the line for donald trump supporters. nina is in florida. good morning. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. you are on "washington journal." caller: i support donald trump. i'm tired of people talking about his taxes from 20 years ago. hillary clinton has had corruption for the last 30 years. i do not care about his taxes. he was a private citizen then. i'm going to vote for him. if all they can dig up is something from 20 years ago, they have a real problem. thank you. bye. host: here is donald trump's residential campaign response that was sent through the new york times. response in the
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full alongside a story they wrote today. the donald trump campaign says that the only news here is a more than 20-year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained, further demonstration that establishment media in general is an extension of the clinton campaign. they go on to say that mr. trump is a highly skilled businessman who has fiduciary responsibility to his business, family, and his employees to pay no more taxes than legally required. that said, mr. trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes, city taxes, estate taxes, and federal taxes along with charitable contributions. mr. trump knows the tax code better than anyone was ever run for president and is the only one that knows how to fix it. we get your responses this morning. randall tom, maryland, good morning.
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that losses huge. how can someone claim that he wants to make america great by not paying any -- [indiscernible] bankruptcy, tax evasion. [indiscernible] no experience. [indiscernible] the clinton foundation has been rated aaa. a good business. money to payion for illegal taxes. this is huge. the only way this can be solved this by releasing his tax returns. host: roberto is a donald trump supporter from here in
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washington, d.c. caller: good morning to you. here is the point, we don't care about donald trump's taxes because he himself said it. it is a matter for anybody, including you, if you take the and can make it so you pay no taxes at all or very little, that is what people do. that is what smart people do. you have to pay your taxes and you send your income tax share to the government to do what? two paper what? to pay for illegal people to cross the border and for illegal people who are here already when the worry should be what to do with the next 20 million people who will follow if hillary clinton is elected. referring to what
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he said it at the debate on monday night? caller: hear me out. you let they told him, these people in this way and this way. that is what you do. you have the possibility to declare bankruptcy and get away with it and not pay everybody or pay whatever, you will do it. there are many people with businesses who might have been legal or illegal who do that all the time. over and over. they get away with this. they take advantage of the law. i don't think this is the issue. -- 15 million people, illegal people will be coming. they will use -- mrs. clinton will use your tax dollars, your
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tax dollars to taken the that --, all of them so not host: the issue of taxes came up during the debate on monday. we want to play a little bit from that exchange to remind our viewers what was said. [video clip] seemmittee you can go and nearly 40 years of our tax returns. everyone has done it. we know the irs has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you are under audit. you have to ask yourself, why welty releases tax returns -- won't he released his tax returns? maybe he is not as rich as he says he is. maybe he is not as charitable as he claims to be. third, we don't know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through
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investigative reporting that he owes about $600 million to wall street ranks. maybe it is not want all of you watching tonight that he is paid nothing in federal taxes because the only years anybody has ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state attorneys when he needed a casino license and they shall he did not pay any federal income tax. >> me smart. paying 04ans he is troops, veterans, schools. i think he is probably not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are. it must be something really important, even terrible that he is trying to hide. clintonat was hillary at the debate on monday night. a vice presidential debate coming up this week.
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we are wondering whether you think donald trumps tax history matters. do you want to see more of it? does his record as a businessman change how you would view those tax documents? comments on our twitter feed this morning. robert wright said, "there is no story here. he abided by the tax laws." don't blame the ones who take legitimate advantage of the tax laws. congress makes them. change the laws. if you do not pay tax in 18 years, he probably has a good tax attorney, but does he pay him? donald trump is not the girly and businessman he claims to be. he is finished. and a tweet, "i don't care. i care about deleted e-mails. benghazi videos, but foundation."
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some of the comments on our twitter feed this morning. twitter and supporters,ton donald trump supporters, third-party, and undecided. math is in tampa florida on the line for an supporters. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. thank you for c-span. i just think that donald trump's response to this latest story is emblematic of the entire campaign as a whole. whenever something comes out that is utterly truthful about the trump campaign, he has said his foundation spent $250,000 to cover his own legal fees or spent charitable money on a $20,000 portrait of himself. they will immediately backlash
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by saying it is the dishonest media, and that the media is spinning this to attack trump. meanwhile, there is a lucrative conspiratorial market of millions of people who dig up any ridiculous conspiracy and scandal they can find against hillary clinton, even when there is no evidence or no probable proof towards it. she had an earpiece. there are millions of people who thinks she has parkinson's devicesand is wearing to keep her from shaking. the divide in this country, for some reason, trump supporters refuse to believe anything that incriminate their candidate, they pick up any scrap
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of evidence. host: does a story like this make any difference in this campaign cycle? caller: i think it should. whether it does or not, i am not sure. i think the fact that donald trump has made thihis career asa some howntertainer has made him immune to the same criticism that is lobbied against hillary clinton. i think especially in this anti-elitist, anti-politician times where everyone wants an outsider, bernie sanders or donald trump, people will believe whatever they can against an insider like hillary clinton, even if it is completely ridiculous versus an outsider like donald trump. host: that was matt from florida. jerry from nebraska, donald trump supported. go ahead. are you with us this morning?
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you have to stick by your phone, jerry. tom is in idaho on that line for undecided. good morning. you are on "washington journal." caller: his taxes don't matter to me "washington journal," -- his taxes don't matter to me. only the politician would think that paying more taxes is a good thing because only politicians benefit when they give it out to their friends who put them in office. it is totally absurd. he is an outsider. that is why the media cannot stand him. that is why the republican party cannot stand him. i don't necessarily like him. i will probably vote or johnson. hillary clinton is the devil. that woman has been a liar and a
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complete disaster and every position she has ever held. the media continually looks the other way and does whatever he can to keep her up and question narrative that makes her look -- push a narrative that makes her look as good as possible. they don't want to talk about how she stole the primary from bernie sanders. when donald trump says it is a rate system, it has been that way for years. we pay trillions of dollars in national debt buying and selling politicians like loaves of bread. if we had a viable third party in the nation, we would have two. they have divided us and put us against one another for so long that we act like there is a difference between the republicans and democrats, and there really is not. not to stray too far from the question, but why do you think we don't have a viable third party?
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why hasn't it happened? caller: the tea party almost made it. they were co-opted, but by the republicans. that is why the republican party is breaking apart at the seams. they thought they could corrupt these honest americans who care about our nation, care about our constitution, are willing to fight and die for it. buy them off and make them part of the system. no. that is why the republican party is going to die after this election cycle. donald trump was chosen not because he was a good man, but because he is not one of them. i don't want him running my country because i am afraid of him. i'm less afraid of him that i am of hillary clinton. thank you for taking my call, c-span. you're the only honest journalism on television. host: the lead story in the "new york times." on this issuetion
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on a 1995 tax return and a lost their mean 18 years of potentially no federal tax payments. here is the explanation from that area. the most important revelation is just how much mr. trump may have benefited on the tax provision that is particularly prized by america's dynastic families, which like the drums, hold their wealth within byzantine networks of limited liability corporations, it is known as the next operating loss -- net operating loss. if losses are big enough, they can cancel taxes paid out and earlier years. they could also wipe out taxable income earned in the three years before and the 15 years after the loss. headlines about essentially 18
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years of taxes that may have not been paid, federal taxes because that loss was so big, $916 million was the loss that was claimed from 1995. we're talking about this story this money. john is a hillary clinton supporter from philadelphia, pennsylvania. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for having my call. i have quite a few things. first of all, what you are putting up right now, $916 million lost by donald trump in his taxes. i guess he does not have to pay federal taxes. if you make that much mistakes in your business, i could see you forgiven. anyway, this is a pony show with clinton and trump this time around. i want to know how hillary is going to fix what bill messed up
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by signing that agreement with mexico and canada and giving all of our jobs away. how will she reversed that? that is the most important thing she has to do. as for donald trump, all the words out of his mouth are really what he is about. as it comes back to you, karma. things in that nature. fixes hillary wins and this messed up country. stripping one agency from another to pay for another to pay for another. it is not working that way. we have to get on solid ground and maybe start over somehow. host: let's hear from a donald trump supported. john is in order. good morning. -- is in florida. good morning. caller: why don't you put the
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facts out on this you put this on the show? bill clinton was the one that signed this law on the taxes. he allowed all these seductions they can have. -- deductions they can have. i heard this on fox and hour ago. host: we were talking about this story, noting that these were the laws on the books in 1995. the irs rules that were applicable when this came out. caller: when someone is trying to say something, you don't allow them on this show anymore. you let the democrats talk as long as they want to, called donald trump names and the republicans names. when a republican is on there, you cut them off. host: finish your statement. caller: i would like to know why you do that. you let them go on and on and on. hillary clinton is a corrupt terminal. everybody knows it.
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why don't you put all the stuff out on her? the people that want all of these tax returns, they aren't even smart enough to know how to read them to start with. thank you very much. i hope you stop beating donald trump up so that. host: trying to give everybody a chance to talk this morning. hillary clinton supporters, donald trump supporters, undecided voters, and third-party voters. gina is in denton, texas. good morning. go ahead. caller: essentially, i believe that his taxes are something that is legitimate that we should know about. that if hishe fact taxes are the only way we can indicate what type of business person he is, it does not matter he may have did this or that, that is what we're judging him on.
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we're judging him on his business. we cannot determine what type of politician or president he will be because he does not want to be referred to as a politician. law, took advantage of the and it was the law, then he did the right thing. however, it does not mean he is a good person. just because there is something out there you can do, does not mean you should do. everyone knows that. we are looking at this individual and whether the things he does is ok. it is not ok for someone holding the highest office in the land, and i'm not saying hillary clinton is without fault, she is. displaying a type of business acumen, a type of personal acumen that we don't want represented in this country. he is not getting along with everyone else in other countries. if he is going to be calling them names, do we want to send
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our men and women that everyone says they care about over to war based on something this man may say or do? host: gina in texas this morning. these documents were sent to the "new york times." in their story, talking about how they try to verify these were real documents. on wednesday, they presented the times documents to a lawyer and certified public accountant who handled donald trump's tax matters for more than 30 years until 1996. he is listed as the preparer on the new jersey tax return that the times was able to obtain. he said that while he no longer has access to the original returns, they appear to be authentic copies of portions of his 1995 tax returns. signature was his on the new jersey form.
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story going through that this morning. we want to hear your thoughts. the new york times story written by david barstow of the new york times. it is the lead story this morning. paul is in wisconsin. good morning. hillary clinton supporter. caller: thank you for taking my call. i'm glad somebody found something about donald trump's tax returns. that is in the 1990's. if you have seen the stuff in the 2000, you would really find out he should be in a stall next to bernie madoff. host: is this something you have seen or are you speculating? caller: i am speculating. i read that book that talked about how donald trump is always shady dealing, how he thought
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helicopters -- bought helicopters from drug dealers. that one guy that talked about the clintons. i will tell you what. they are probably the most honest politicians you ever seen. the reason why people don't like the clintons is fox news. they don't like honest people. they like crooks. host: a donald trump supporter in california. good morning. caller: hello. it has been a custom, not a law that presidential candidates put out tax returns. times" has put out since they hate donald trump so much and they love hillary clinton so much and they want her elected so badly, they said publicly they will risk jail to get his tax returns. they did. they illegally acquired them.
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the honest press should not even be showing this. this is a disgusting display, what they are doing. if you want to look at taxes. hillary clinton's tax forms, i have looked at them. i have heard about them. in none of them do they tell you how many free plane rides she has gone from the clinton foundation, free meals, free clothing, read this and that. she never declared on her taxes. we are talking maybe millions of dollars that she has gone for free, tax-free from the clinton foundation. also, one of the biggest contributors to hillary clinton is general electric. i don't remember when they have ever paid any corporate income tax. they use the same law that donald trump used, yet hillary clinton accepts money from them and praises them to high heaven. host: can i ask you a question?
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caller: what is that? yes. host: you talk about the media picking and choosing on donald trump's tax returns and this coming out. do you think with this coming out, should donald trump release all this tax returns so people can get the full, clear picture, or you think it is nobody's business? caller: that is a great question. let me tell you, donald trump's tax forms would be a stack the high. the hillary clinton campaign would take a page every day and put out allegedly this might have happened, allegedly that. from now until election, every day you would be hearing about donald trump's taxes. i don't want him to put out his taxes. his taxes were done legally as far as i know and as far as the irs knows. it is really none of our business. host: that is don in california this morning.
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you can comment on our facebook page if you want to join the conversation. the question is the same we are asking our callers, does donald trump's tax history matter to you? chris writes in, "of course it does. the media should be as relentless on his tax issues as they have been on questions of hillary clinton." "if you use legal loopholes, no. " only right for mrs. clinton to disclose any and all financial dealings of the clinton foundation whereby she and her husband had financial gain offer being secretary say, she in turn made money in a questionable manner." getting your thoughts this morning. about 10 minutes left in this
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opening segment of "washington journal." transporters, clinton supporters, undecided, and third-party. you are undecided. does this make a difference to you? caller: not necessarily because i still believe, you talk a second ago about legal loopholes. that is why the clinton durable foundation is set up so that they and their little bodies can put money into that charitable foundation and write it off on their taxes. all the donors that donated i guess millions, who knows how much or how little, let's make sure their taxes don't show that they rub it off, and they did it out of the goodness of their heart and for the betterment of the world. i doubt it. host: before you go. there is a column in today's "washington post."
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theten by a man with peterson institute economic, author of the great tax force. voters don't mind paying taxes as long as the rich do, too. since federal income taxes tradition during the civil war, u.s. citizens have complained about their taxes, but they say that they pay about the right amount. more than half of americans surveyed last year said their tax burden was fair, but what they cannot stomach is that the rich are taking advantage of the system. six in 10 americans say that they are upset that some wealthy people in some corporations don't pay enough. he goes on to say in his column that the republican nominee, donald trump, is clearly hoping that americans will understand that by amassing great wealth he was doing more for the economy than he would buy paying taxes. we may never know for sure what
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his taxes look like, but for now, he probably has miscalculated, ignoring a fundamental truth. americans may not love paying taxes, but what they hate even more is rich people not paying their fair share. we have about 10 minutes left. we want to hear your thoughts and comments. david is a donald trump supporter in virginia. good morning. caller: hello. can you hear me? host: yes, sir. caller: [indiscernible] deal about the big the taxes. we have all these immigrants coming into the motel 6 and our convenience store and everything , and they never pay taxes. the families on food stamps and welfare. they buy food and commodities to
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put in their stores and so after we the americans are paying for. host: immigration is the bigger issue for you? is this a distraction? caller: why does it matter if the president will be a broke man are rich man to start with? [indiscernible] host: that is david in virginia. supporter fromon new jersey. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i believe the taxes are very important and donald trump is diverthe system to himself from being able to pay taxes. when the taxes he talks about, how much he reveres these military and veterans, and he has insulted them.
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this is what taxes go for. he refuses to support the people that are out serving and dying our country. that is such an insult and should be against the law. he should be held accountable. there are so many more things he should be held accountable for. mocking the handicap. becauses getting by is the republican party are standing back, even though they don't agree, standing back and looking on and hopefully will get enough people who are not so powerful in their party that they're putting the party above -- the country. host: eleanor in new jersey. mindy is a trump supporter in georgia. you are on the washington journal. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. caller: i just wanted to say
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that donald trump's taxes that your reporting on was over 20 years ago. anybodyt a law that says anything about his taxes. it is not have to show them or prove them. also, the only other thing i want to say is that i feel that hillary clinton a hard-core liar. she has lied and lied and lied. you can see how nervous mr. khan this when he gets -- mr. trump is when he gets on the potency of -- podium. he has not been in politics his whole life. i understand that he is a businessman. that is all i want to say. host: you are correct. not a law that he has to release his taxes. every major party candidate for the last 40 years has released
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at least a few years of their recent tax documents, but no law saying he has to do it. these documents that this "new york times" story were sent to the new york times reporters offers possible reasons why a tipster may have sent susan gregg the documents. in story she wrote back august, in the maze of his corporate empire, 60 -- $650 million in debt. it is a topic she has written about his business ties and corporation. that story from august probably getting more readership today in light of this story that came out. a person who received these tax returns from 1995. derek is in maryland. good morning. you are on "washington journal."
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caller: good morning. first of all, every time they come on, republicans live. they lie. no one has proven anything. it has been going on for 30 years with the clinton campaign. i have a problem with the taxes simply because i had to pay taxes. anyone who had to pay taxes should have a problem with that. second of all, the irs will not give out any information on their own. all he needed was to show that he was being audited, which the irs would give him, but he would not show that. , maybe you have heard of him, warren buffett. he was in nebraska with ms. clinton. he said, i am being audited, too. you compare warren buffett to donald trump.
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donald trump is small potatoes next to warren buffett. warren buffett says we can get together, bring their tax forms. donald trump says he has 12 best. warren buffett probably has 10 times that many. he said they can go through them with the public and let the public see everything we have your we never heard a word about that. thank you. host: donald cap has said that he cannot release his tax anurns because he is under audit. the rs has said that nothing precludes someone from releasing his or her tax returns while under an audit. the los angeles times one of those newspapers that has written about this topic about when someone can and cannot release their documents. , an undecidedexas voter. good morning. go ahead. rich, the wealthy
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really are not paying any taxes. or maybe in some cases getting back more than they pay. isn't that the same is taking advantage of the taxpayer? host: what do you think. what do you think the answer is? caller: i think it is. i am retired and still paying taxes. i'm not on welfare. i have five sources to pull for from my pension. i saved up pretty well and did good for myself. i'm not bragging or complaining either. like that woman said, we don't pay taxes, only the little people pay taxes. host: that will be our last caller in the segment of "washington journal." two other stories in the papers some eventsewing
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happening this week that we will be covering. this league story and today's washington post, at the start of the new supreme court term, that begins tomorrow. we will spend the first half of our program tomorrow previewing the big cases coming up. and eight member core, what that means for some of these cases. another story this point, talking about the upcoming vice presidential debate. that is happening on tuesday. debate, presidential .ome of the expectations we will be covering the vice presidential debate here on c-span. the story today, the lead story times," if"new york you have not ready yet, the headline, donald trump's 1995 tax records claim a $916 million loss, which means he could have
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avoided federal income taxes for 18 years. making a lot of headlines this morning. that will do it for this first segment of "washington journal." frome less than 40 days election day. we will be joined by mike debonis from "the washington post." we will talk about how the donald trump and hillary clinton candidacies are affecting down ballot races. we will be talking about the looming generational showdown between boomers and millennials. the generational shifts that are changing america and voting patterns. the president of the nation's second largest labor group, mary kay henry of the service employees international union. made a decision to go into the battlegrounds earlier than we have ever done with community partners in latino,
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african-american, and asian communities. now we are moving our blue states into the battlegrounds through a weekend warrior. last weekend, there were 1800 people in new york. we're going to new hampshire. we are moving into las vegas. >> are there any races that you are particularly focused on? there seems like an outcome regarding the house and missouri and the governorship will affect whether that stable go right to work? >> the presidential debate tends us to focus on that office. our members are as motivated by the school board races, city council and state legislative races he in illinois and we are trying to make sure that we have a veto proof majority in the house so that we can push back on what the governor has been
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doing to home care, child care, and public employee work in that state. those elections matter. we can connect the dots for people and lift them up to why voting for the president also matters for their future. taxingon, we have corporations on the ballot, which we want them to pay their fair share. in california, our entire agenda in criminal justice reform is on the ballot, which is highly motivational to our members. those are just three examples. in every state i could give you both ballot initiatives and down ballot races are motivating our members to act. races there specific you're paying attention to ask seiu? >> the senate in hell and i, we are all in pennsylvania your we are concerned about the nevada senate race. we have done a lot with the
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latino vote in las vegas with community partners. we are deeply concerned and all in to make sure that we do retake the center -- senate. host: you can see the entire interview with mary kay henry today. you can hear it on c-span radio. newsmakers is available online at we are joined now by mike debonis, the congressional reporter with "the washington post." he joins us to spotlight the 34 senate seat that are up for election this cycle. 24 republican seats and 10 seats held by democrats. we are talking about what is actually at risk. how many races are we talking about? guest: thank you. it is a handful of races. seas that areeven currently held by republicans,
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one seat held by democrats, that is harry reid, retiring senate minority leader. that is the only seat where democrats are really playing defense. if you look across the map, it is republican and comments who playing defense in places like illinois, wisconsin, pennsylvania, new hampshire. missouri.o looking at richard burr in north carolina. marco rubio in florida is also in play. a little less so. few wherehere are a there was some thought they might be employed due to the presidential ticket, places like arizona with john mccain and even georgia with johnny
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isakson. those races have not really developed in that way. the presidential race has not been such a blowout to put those particular races on the map for democrats. host: just to do the math for our viewers, democrats need five seats to win control of the senate. clintonts if hillary was the white house because the vice president would be the tiebreaker. what is the range for pickups? it has narrowed because people on both sides of the aisle, democrats and republicans acknowledge that this will not and in a democratic blowout where democrats pick up six or seven seats. there were some people who had hopes of that back earlier this year. donald trump basically steamrolled the presidential field.
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democrats saw how unpopular he was. they made the assumption that if he ends up as the nominee, this could be historically unpopular candidate. it could be a landslide of a proportion we had not seen since 1964. that could translate into a big down ballot help for democrats. it hasn't materialized. the presidential race has been traditionally close. this point,een, to certainly no more of a disparity that we saw in 2008 between barack obama and john mccain that did result in democratic gains, but i was a different year. host: let me get the phone numbers for our viewers. if you want to call in. democrats, (202) 748-8000.
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republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. the line for third-party supporters in this segment, (202) 748-8003 . here's the headline that mike debonis wrote recently, democratic hopes for winning the senate they as donald trump proves less toxic for republicans. why is that? guest: quite frankly it is because hillary clinton is just about as unpopular as donald trump is. the support for donald trump has fallen largely along traditional partisan lines. republicans have been willing to basically swallow their misgivings about donald trump and support him. many of them under the thinking that, i may not agree with everything he says, but i'm certainly not going to vote for hillary clinton. at the same time, there seems to
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be a willingness for even those people who would traditionally be voting for a republican presidential candidate or not supporting don't jump, they are willing to say they will support the republican senate nomination. we are seeing that in many different states, new hampshire, pennsylvania, going down the list. and yet some candidates are trying to tie their opponents to the presidential candidate, donald trump. trying to tie her opponent, congressman joe heck for that open nevada seek to donald trump. [video clip] >> i approve this message. mr. trump: they are bringing drugs, crime, they are rapists. >> i have high hopes donald trump will become president. mr. trump: i don't know what i said. >> heck says he would support donald trump. >> do you support him having his
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thing on the nuclear button? >> i do. >> why do you say that? >> why wouldn't i? host: explain that for us. guest: a nevada, harry reid, the longtime senator from nevada, the senate minority leader, a dominant figure in politics in the state is retiring. he has hand-picked his successor .hat he wants to replace them the former attorney general in that state is against, and joe heck. a diverse state with a significant latino parkervision. part of the path to victory for democrats in nevada is to comeate those voters to out and vote for democratic candidates, hispanic and minority voters. that is why they are trying to tie joe heck to donald trump
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because of the toxicity that he has in the minority community can only help her. host: hillary clinton popping up in some as the republicans are running against their upon us. in indiana, the senate leadership fund is one of these outside money groups running an ad against former senator evan by trying to reclaim that seat. >> my opponent is attacking me as a lobbyist. >> he has decided he wants his old senate seat back. >> he stopped being a u.s. senator so he could become a lobbyist. n. evan by cashed i he was paid almost $1 million by a big bank. he left indiana behind. senate leadership fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. that that picture, does
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date back to their time in the senate together? guest: i'm not sure. they have been allies and have known each other. you have been on the same side of many political issues for a long time. host: certainly, this has popped up in a lot of these advertisements. tell us to the senate leadership fund is. caller: they are the dominant super pac supporting candidates. they are putting tens of millions of dollars into races across the country. indiana is one state where they have a -- where they are making a big effort and shifting more money into because they see an opportunity there to blunt democrats in a race that they thought they had a significant advantage by convincing evan
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bayh to run for another term. republican senate super pac let's. $.1 million of expanded advertisement -- 21 million dollars of expanded advertisement buys. where do they see opportunities? seeingthe story we are generally is from both sides of the aisle. this race has shifted from states like ohio and florida which we assumed would be the main battlegrounds to states like missouri, north carolina, and indiana. that is the shift we have seen take place over the last couple months. those three states are not typically favorable ground for democrats. indiana, with very few exceptions, both for republicans
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in presidential races. missouri has been trending more towards a republican state in federal elections. north carolina is a swing state. it is not considered quite as firm ground as ohio seemed earlier this year. democrats have not seen their hopes and ohio cannot. 10 strickland, the former governor, is running to unseat rob portman. he has been badly outspent. he has had to battle negative perceptions of his time as governor. rob portman has been able to run a successful campaign and talk about how he is unable to get things done and washington. christi,m corpus texas. democrats. what is your question? caller: a lot of democrats do not seem aware of the down ballot races.
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hillary, idon't like will vote for donald trump. those down ballot races, we tend to lose focus. the republicans are going to vote for anybody. dukewill vote for david because he has and r in front of his hand. there's a lot at stake here. you're talking about down ballot races. you are talking about the supreme court. all of that is at stake here. republicans say they will not vote. host: amount of attention the down ballot races are getting races in particular. main: the president is the event but it can't be difficult if you are a senate candidate to through that focus to
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notice, get your particular issues and local issues and break through beyond of national messaging. that is what you have seen. republicans have tried o engage in a more local tailored to the environment specific. rob portman, he's been in ohio and made a lot of about the opioid crisis in his state and talk issues that turing really resonate with ohio voters that the national to break not be able through and get someone to vote -- senatecular stat candidate. ad that ant to show an got a lot of attention jason talking about background
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checks in missouri. some organizations have titled on their list of best ads of the cycle. here is a bit from that ad. [video clip] senator son candor blount was attacking me on guns. in the army i learned to respect my rifle i involved apostate i supported second amendment rights. i also believe in background terrorists can't get one of this. i would like to approve this because i want to see senator this. do debonis how much did that contribute to this race radar?on to the guest: democrats have had very trong opinions about this race for a long time and considered it a sleeper race. candor the secretary of
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state there now is considered recruits and young and strikes a good contrast incumbent senator who has been in washington 25 years. think, has allowed this race to get noticed -- get beyond g the folks who follow it for a living. it is a striking ad and twist in missouri where you have had a of political candidates statewide running ads about guns. interesting twist on that. bviously he's an army veteran and he puts together a gun but ends for a call for terrorist checks.und ad and he strikingeding gotten the attention of people whoonally who are wondering is this guy and does he have a roy out
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-- those two will be debating friday. we have it online to watch that our archives. ira is in washington, d.c., a republican. morning. caller: good morning. to turn down the tv. back to you. bridget in madison heights, independent. good morning. caller: i would like to make a how nt first of all about you kept questioning those that you donald supporters but let the people ramble on that and i llary supporters question him with questions basically challenging their beliefs. also i would like to say that blacks do not all think the same we have the same color. it is very racist of the people political spectrum that
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blacks will vote this way or way.ld vote that i'm a vet and i believe that illary clinton is trouble for veterans and donald trump should be given a chance to get in of the d clean out all hell that we have been going through as veterans. the senators that are trying to distance themselves that onald trump, those will lose should lose because they already know they have been all this time the last eight years with barack obama jobs or ot created the anything else that he lied and aid he wanted to do and i'm disappointed in how c-span is leaning more and more as if they mainstream media trying to help hillary clinton. let's be fair. if you are going to question the supporters then question the other people that their ling in about opinions. that is my comment. i'm disappointed in c-span and have been questioning
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donald trump supporters or adding more. taxes are his taxes and if that was done to hillary clinton uproar. would be in an let's see the taxes filed with the foundation of hillary e-mails like st donald trump said. let russia if they got it. let wickileaks if they got it xpose the 30,000 e-mails and see how much supporters would like to praise them. wrong to go into somebody's private. his lawyers told him not to being his taxes while audit. why don't you call for the obama administration to cancel the be released ifan they choose. but that is not necessary he paid, e taxes that if he didn't pay no taxes at people.e was hiring how many did bill a and hillary hire? got your point. trying to have as open a discussion. in augusta,
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georgia. line for democrats. i'm from the augusta area and we are looking forward the ving a republican in united states senate, r. barksdale has a lot of resources from the democratic party being pumped into it continuously and constantly to get the vote out as far as the election is concerned. isaacson rgia, johnny is running for re-election and unning against him jim barksdale a businessman in georgia. barksdale was not considered a recruit. there were some who sort of passed on the race for democrats. becoming more democratic. it is still considered a red certainly but the demographic trends have been that is it is a state seen within striking distance
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maybe not this round but in the future. right now barksdale hasn't been run enough, close enough on many pools to put to put it on olls the map for democrats. ut georgia is a state to watch into the future, not only in enate races but presidential years. host: speaking of the map "washington post" like many races ations that follow do their own race ratings. you can find it online at for georgia. here are the race ratings. right eaning republican now. you can click on all the different states and see the in purple are the too close to call states. pennsylvania being one of them. nevada one of those and so on. going through it with mike debonis on "washington
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on the senate ng races. dorothy is in michigan, a republican., caller: good morning. my thoughts are this. vote,you go to the poll to folks, remember nafta under the clinton. emember benghazi under the clintons. thank you. as : nafta and benghazi issues in senate races? guest: trade is certainly an issue. sorry to keep going back it ohio but let's look at what happened there. portman a former u.s. trade represented the united states in negotiated trade treaties forever has been as a pro-trade republican. the atmosphere in trade now is negative and toxic he came out early against the partnership which is the massive trade deal that obamaen negotiated by the administration.
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that has been certainly out of political necessity in ohio for rob to oppose that certainly in michigan democrats have publicans alike campaigned against trade there. enghazi, you know, we get into the perceptions of hillary linton and how that has driven voters in this race. benghazi really hasn't come up in any of issue these races. host: for members of congress a ning for re-election or house member running for a senate seat there's voting recor records. vote on the iran nuclear deal is one of those issues that in the florida race that senate listen fund we running and earlier ad against congressman patrick murphy's vote on the iran nuclear deal. here is that ad. video clip] >> helped kill our troops,
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brought terrorism. atrick murphy supports the dangerous nuclear deal that releases billions of dollars to to and puts iran on a path nuclear weapons. murphy supports this bad deal. nuclear about retheir program. don't take the risk with patrick leadership enate vote is responsible for the contents of this advertising. host: talk about florida a bit.le guest: this race sort of turned senator earlier when rubio announced he was going to run for re-election. this as a f took democratic ikely pickup to a hraoelean republica hold. way this race has turned out in the polling. a sitting p is congressman that represents the within ch area and he's striking distance in the polls
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ut he's facing some serious obstacles one of which is he sn't that well known and he's facing just a barrage of ads from places like the senate leadership fund. florida a place where it is very expensive to run so ewide because there are many media markets. there are investments by outside roups as well in that race on behalf of murphy so we will show ur viewers the senate majority pac ad that goes after senator marco rubio. [video clip] >> he said social security makes he is weaker. rubio. an he ed to cut social security and medicare because he says they pwrufbankrupting our country. e has taken almost $1 million from the insurance industry which will profit from his privatization plan. it is not the programs that have weakened us but the politicians put profit ahead of us.
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senate majority pac. . it is like the democratic analog leadership fund a super case one of the things that they know about marco rubio s is sn't necessarily popular and when you tell people about his senate record particularly issed votes during his presidential run and really alking about bread and butter issues for democratic voters like social security, that is a motivate democratic voters and raise doubts in the minds of republican voters about they want to vote for marco rubio. eep in mind he didn't win the presidential primary in florida, can -- did.
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that still has democrats with some hope they can get that state. host: redmond, washington. democrat. good morning. host: good morning. how are you doing this morning? host: doing well. caller: i have a question about of this about and more of the same and all of this sort of thing. and the democrats never bring up we have been forced into usterity -- probably a lot of donald trump supporters don't know what austerity means. e have been forced into austerity by republicans for a number of years and yet we still growth itive economic but for some reason the democrats never bring that up. about r what you think that and why you think they don't bring it up. don't have an easy
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answer. austerity is a difficult issue a political context especially when fairly ans have been successful in talking about government spending as a bad thing. and certainly at least early in resident obama's presidency debt and deficit was a staple of democratic messaging. seen is democrats have been reticent to talk about positive.imulus as a i think they have some indication that the polling on that is difficult for them to through but i think that certainly as an economic matter the growth of federal spending has slowed to the budget deal that we saw sell years ago and -- less l years ago and government money is going into
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the economy that sort of left monetary policy to be the main tool to handle the economy. green, kentucky, kitty is an independent. good morning. caller: good morning. your go ahead with question or comment, kitty. i want to talk tax to be a smoke creen to get people off the hillary and her. in the both of are among, probably. trump is that if the wrong about his taxes they have ad plenty of time, the government has will plenty of time the last 20 years to do something about it. if they were elected, how are to put our country
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back where it should be, such as healthcare issues? dealif elected, would they with these foreign countries china? syria, russia, host: thank you. "new york ts on this times" story we talked about earlier and what its potential continue ld be as we down to the weeks until election. guest: certainly hillary clinton campaign, democrats want trump's tax and d to be a major issue this will keep this issue in the .eadlines through the week clinton's issues, her inly she's released taxes, her personal income taxes nd her foundation's income taxes are a matter of public record. host: do candidates generally do senate races, tax
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records? guest: it is rare. it is not a custom. it is not a, an expectation in way as with presidential races. come up here and there. specific name you a case this year where a articular candidate's income tax record has come up. you have seen individual candidates' backgrounds come in for scrutiny. e talked about roy blount and jason candor. candor has been attacking him for the fact that his wife and all work as lobbyists in some capacity. a big issue in that race. rubio has beenco atta attacking patrick murphy based whether rsonal resume, he had any real experience in the private sector before congressman.
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these sort of resume issues, attributes turn up in senate races. fitchburg, to massachusetts. independent. caller: let me talk about what talked about clinton. we talked about clinton passing and a half that. the republicans pushed for that and they said in the get a lot of ould money and business would go over there and build the factories write everything off but they will get the tax money. fter a year went by they started making money that republicans passed a loop local -- loophole ations so the corporations could put the money in other countries so the tax 't have to pay in this country. 10 they deregulated banks to profits to triple because they had to raise property taxes
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on the poor arrange people. whole system is corrupt. somebody in there who is honest. news.ok at fox they will spend billions of dollars to go after anybody who down.nest to put them host: is there an honest member of the senate that you like? caller: yes, bernie sanders somewhat. fact that like the we let 50 million people in the ast five years in this country on 10-year work visas and people re complaining they have no jobs. they would have jobs if they people in.these host: is bernie sanders hitting the campaign trail for any senate?n the guest: he has reached out to his presidential supporters a very
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large list of presidential of several n behalf candidates. one is russ feingold in wisconsin. he he's, as many viewers will the senate many years until 2010 when he lost to who is defending his seat again in a rematch. sanders has seen in who is ngold somebody simpatico with his longtime push campaign finance reform and ll sorts of progressive policies that bernie sanders supports. fredericksburg, virginia. a democratic. good morning. caller: good morning and thank for c-span. yes, i think the senate races are important. when obama first got in they said he had a majority in the house.and nswornrgot al franken was
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in until november. ted kennedy died the next year. are important es ecause it seems like only the democrats have been hacked where -- have big leads and host: is that important in the senate races? what is being talked about. because where the democrats are leading they are hacking and they know it is russia. and my thing is trump called his movement.a there was another movement people dropped the kool-aid, remember? jim jones. the cyanide kool-aid. move on to david in denison, texas. caller: thank you.
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if i could i'm a political junky republican and i find your guest to be very veryminded and seems to be even-handed in his analysis. about the taxes personally i don't care about the taxes to bee his tax return has the most complicated of any tax imaginable. most people pay h and r block to a very simple income tax. people don't understand income taxes. is a 70,000-page nightmare in a lot of ways favor interests over individuals but it doesn't mean .hey didn't incur the costs host: take it to the senate races because people want to talk about that. had a question about the stimulus and stimulus.on about and i can't get to a specific
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regard to the stimulus except where folks are talking about that as an issue by the guest. if you go back to the trillion ollar stimulus, half of it literally went to the states to firing f their government employees for a year. t didn't go to anything to stimulate anything. a kwaquarter or half of what wa half to r giving the the state went to tax rebates to cases people on earned income tax credits one-time out $895 a thing. that didn't stimulate anything over the er was left president acknowledged it didn't stimulate anything and the next the mini stimulus thelped the states put off the firing. ultimately the blue states laid tons of teachers and other
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people. stimulus s where the money went. host: let's let mike debonis stimulus that, spending. how much is that still an issue in the senate races? guest: you don't hear as much about debt and deficit issues as four to six years ago. mind issue top of any longer. till, certainly no democratic candidate is going out and stimulus.g fiscal they are going out and saying ongress is going to go, or should spend more. the way democrats talk about federal spending is they talk balance, they talk about a alanced approach, meaning generally tax increases on the with some modest spending.
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short bernie sanders and a few aher democrats, there are not lot of democrats who are openly calling for massive increases in government spending to that degree. certainly hillary clinton is talking about things like child things like addressing debt.e she's talking about are expensive and they new government programs, which she has said in talked paying them she about, like i said, tax increase on the wealthy. about a lot talk corporate taxes in particular we see ng the issue where foreign profits are sent abroad and axed finding some way to bring the profits home, tax them and use money for some purpose.
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host: we have shown our viewers ads but i want to show one that caught your eye from out in senator michael bennett is running for re-election. video clip] >>♪ you are my sunshine, my only whenine, you make me happy skies are gray♪ never tphknow dear how please don't u rb, ake my sunshine away bennett and proud to approve this message. ost: you tweeted what does is senator do with $12 million in war chest after a tough doesn't materialize? uest: 30 seconds of cute kids singing you are my sunshine. host: is it supposed to be on the match? six months ago michael
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bennett and colorado was play defenseave to significantly in this race. considered a swing sta state. trended democratic recently. we saw corey gardner won two in colorado beating mark udall. on the republican target list but they were unable o get a candidate in that race that is able to go toe to toe bennett.ael darrell glenn the republican in that race is a county commissioner. he's not raised really any money at all. on air in the state. it will be very difficult to take on michael bennett. host: sandra in massachusetts in attleborou attleborough, an independent. caller: i have a go-to man that to in congress right now
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nd that happens to be senator joe kennedy -- not senator but congressman joe kennedy. senator john kerry is from massachusetts doing everything overseas and everywhere else. he is a very busy man and doing very well. i don't know if he has anybody against him. i'm very proud of what we have here. we have people that do something. believe me, i'm proud of do.t they they help. and on top of that, i wonder trump will do with the way very ms to be not compassionate to the human being. doesn't know how to shut his mouth. he turns around and says very bad things. runs down people. that is not a way to show our anyone else out there how to be human.
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e's not being human in this respect. host: got your point, sandra. mike debonis, i will give you a to talk about the massachusetts delegation and former members of the massachusetts delegation. guest: politically speaking there's not a lot of action in massachusetts just this moment. senate seats are up this year and none of the expecting any e particular drama. everyone is running for re-election. -- they are all democrats. mike debonis you can follow him at mike debonis on ys appreciate your time "washington journal." up next paul taylor joins us the of the next america, and loominglennials generational showdown. later we will focus specifically of illennials' views campaign 2016 with the polling
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director of the harvard institute for politics. that is this morning on the ."ashington journal". >> the next president making appointments to the supreme will of the united states be president donald trump. >> with hillary clinton in the the rest of the world will never forget why they up to the looked united states of america. continues gacampaign with the vice presidential debate between republican mike pence and tim kaine tuesday night live from in wood, new jersey farmville, virginia 7:30 p.m. eastern with a preview of the debate. 8:30 the pre-debate briefing
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for the audience. of :00 p.m. live coverage the debate followed by viewer reaction. the 2016 vice presidential watch live on c-span, watch live at any time on demand and listen live on radio app the > what makes movies or stories about people in crisis or in a crisis either changes them or changes everybody else. you don't show conflicts you on't show flaws and don't show somebody growing out of their flaws you are seeing you can't really connect to and it doesn't have the same impact. on q&a the movies he as reviewed from lincoln, spotlight to straight o"straigh
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compton." kind movie itself has a an update of the tory of how they got together and recorded hits is strikingly effective. > tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span q&a. >> washington journal continues. taylor is the author of the next america bottomers, looming ls and generational showdown. generational bout warfare it is usually taxpayer dollars and jobs and direction the government. are we seeing those battle lines eing drawn in this election cycle in 2016? guest: yes, but i think we are also seeing something else which to this moment in american history. between a racial gap old and young that is growing.
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we are in 2016 and we are en route to becoming a majority and the census bureau says that will be between 2050.and the millennial ideal generation are the transitional generation about 44% nonwhite and you compare them to the baby boom about 22% are nonwhite. differences, al cultural differences between young and old. think n't look alike or alike or vote alike. that has added an extra element i had -- tical and host: in terms of how at the vote and party affiliation start with millennials. . they are fascinating and very important. size matters in political campaigns. millennials are the largest our electorate.
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were it ck four years not for the votes of millennials for eading candidate president this year would most likely be the incumbent name would be is mitt romney. over the vote of 30 and by a margin of two million but millennials by seven million. four years later there are more millennials because a lot of teenagers have aged into the electorate and hey were big supporters of barack obama. obama got 60% of the votes of losing the while votes of those 30 and over. flex their they muscles. and this year already through system we have seen a very powerful age dynamic as went through the
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democratic primaries month after voters were er the the better she did, the younger the voters the worst. bernie sanders captured 71% of young voters and her challenge to reach out to those drive up their enthusiasm. the polls would suggest she is there.issues host: from the pew research or earlier ry millennial ideals overtake baby the largest generation the numbers starting to add up. boomers.k about baby they are a generational persona. came of age oomers in the 1960's with a kind of a counterculture protest. they were very much involved in he civil rights and women's rights an gay liberal legislation and anti-war and and rock 'n roll.
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we think of them with that it is or 40 years later and to the extent they have migrated through the life cycle we know survey research questions they have grown a little more conservative in their overall outlook. they were actually never quite as liberal as we remember them to be. a fact owed in 1972 was the first year it was lowered 21 to 18 and there much aby boomers in the late teens and early 20's old enough to vote and more voted for richard george mcgovern so they were never quite as uniformly liberal as we remember to be and they have moved a little more conservative. ost: i will give the phone lines for the viewers so you can join in the conversation. with paul taylor the author of the next america. millenials. if you are 18 to 2920
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host: we are trying to talk about these different generations and split the phone we can talk ge so about it. you can call now one generation want to address that doesn't get as much attention generation x. explain what that is. first, understand the generational boundaries are confections. census bureau doesn't keep hem and they are useful confections because people kind of relate to the life cycle. generation x is typically 30's to as being late early 50's. they have received less either the an generation older than them the
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millennials,unger, in part because they were the product of the baby bust. the boomers and millennials are a larger generation. more ortantly or perhaps importantly they never asserted themselves as dramatically as boomers of age as the did in the koufrpblt culture 1960's and rculture medic theennials are champions of technological and digital revolution and day after day after week they take us into the new world. xor came of age -- ex- ex--ers were antigovernment and solution, is not the government is the problem. they started out in their view not government that it is going to solve problems. nother important part of the coming of age of x-ers is
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rates were spiking. we talk about helicopter parents being paid to precious young children. e talked 20 to 30 years ago about latch key kids. there was not that much cultural attention. pendulum? guest: yes, these things swing. graoss gentlizations feel i'm on my own and make it ork and there's a certainly admirable resilience to them. they don't get much attention and they don't seem to mind. people talk about millennials creating a lot of attention narcissists. boomers have been fascinating with ourselves. x-e x-ers tend to put one foot in on.t another and get host: we have paul taylor author boomers, t america,
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millenials an looming generational showdown. 18 to 29 he line for years old gary in indiana. good morning. caller: good morning. i want to ask do you think that will be brighter than the past? today andthe election the state of the world and it things are getting i talked to an elderly neighbor recently in his 80's all and he said he's never seen the accountant as divided -- never seen the divided as now with more hatred and anger and he we are losing simplity. -- civility. think the future will be better or worse than the pass? guest: it is a great question rather than answer with what i think. i will answer with what our various generations think. exactly the kind of
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ask.ion research agencies young adults, millennials, generally believe that the be better.oing to they are a very optimistic generation despite the fact having a ly they are tough time getting started in life. andr adults less optimistic many older adults reflect the views of your grandfather that side of the down mountain and they yearn for a when perhaps ago through rose color ed glasses a lot part of this is life cycle and history younguman adults tend to think things are out and then life happens and maybe some of that optimism is moderated. about the degree of optimism that millennials have bout not only the country's future but their own future despite the very challenging economic circumstances many of are living.
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host: ira tried to call last segment but was having problems with sound. 46 to 60. go ahead. are you doing.w host: go ahead. our on. caller: he is still having issues with his sound. utica, michigan on the line for those 61 and over. sue, good morning. caller: hello. good morning. on the "washington journal." caller: hi. want to comment that i think have a work boomers ethic that is different. older like the gentleman said i'm more onservative when it comes to fiscal matters but i'm still a social n it comes to matters and i have a larger
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distrust of the government than . ever had my biggest concern now is that security, you know, that we did have money when we hard.d and worked but as far as the millennials are concerned, i think they a lot more than we do. that is all my comment. thank you. well, again, let me cite some survey research on this you are -- n and that is a view that is not only shared by the overwhelming of boomers, the question is we put a question a better think has work ethic, older adults or younger adults. of baby boomers say older adults have a better work ethic know what? 90% of millennials say older better work ethic. so this is a widely shared view. a hink it is also shared by lot of employers who are hiring
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and see they bring a different set of expectations to work there's a notion that entitled whichre may be a product of their pbringing, the helicopter parent i parenting, the everybody gets a trophy that has been part of the in which they are raised. i think it may also be a product a the fact that they are first generation of digital natives for people like me the can hold in your hand something that puts you at he center of your own social universe is kind of a novelty and something that boomers have to some degree. it is not a novelty for someone who is 25. ome more clever call them a prapr everyo ican generation. that informs some optimism but of entitle and
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reduction in work ethic. to ink work ethic does tend -- it is life cycle related and s people move more into middle age they take on the responsibility of middle age ethic increases. but this may be a different generation. out you put questions there, paul taylor served as vice president of pew research the social versaw and demographic trends project panic trends project. talk about what you were talking the millennial perspective. s there a resentment of millennials of a generation with debt edit card and protection of social security for older generations younger here for generations? spin it around. let's stay with social security. i'm not sure i would use the ord resentment but there's an understanding of young adults
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today that these two great rograms which in the case of social security 80 years ago and medicare 50 years ago which have the country magnificently well very much my generation who 10,000 a day baby boomers leave the workforce and enter therement and lay claims to benefits they spent lifetimes paying. magnificent n successes. you ask millennial ideals do hey expect social security benefits when they are ready to retire and 50% say i won't get a programs. the another 40% say yes imget something but -- i will get something but not the equivalent today. just 6% of millennial ideals think they will be there at urrent levels for them when they retire. nonetheless, when you ask millennials are these programs for america you get eight or nine in 10 saying they are good for america. because they know that because of these programs grandma and ok and -- doing
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ok and their middle age parents of t have the burden supporting them. so they absolutely understand and enefit of the programs there's not -- one of the striking things about medical i speak as a boomer who came of age in the of 's there was a whiff generation war in the air, never trust anybody over 30 and there protest that perhaps even a middle finger of protest generation.ur you screwed everything up and thank god we are here to take care of it. millennials do not have that attitude. they like their parents. living of them are still with their parents. they look their grandparents and majority of lier a -- overwhelming majority of millennials say older americans have better work ethic than younger adults but better respect ues and more for others. it is not a generation that is oming on board with a chip on their shoulder twarld the toward
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the adults. talked aboutiedman there with an article. t is the real reason many millennials are still link at ho home. bloomington, indiana on to 60.e for those 46 caller: good morning to you. i find this in and a highly interesting topic. is interesting that you brought up about the nixon g for over mcgovern. ind it that these labels for the generations -- i live in a college town so i have lived x-ers and tion millenials and boomers. just think these are made up by the media like
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black and white and mexican to the people when, really, the issues that we should be the class issues, the 1% that have all the control and money. is a differed and conquer -- congress -- conquer thing. difference any between the x-ers and millennial ndianapolis and even the boomers -- boomers. we all have things in common and concentrating on common.all have in that is the fact that 1% of this owns everything. host: we want to give paul chance to respond as somebody who has studied this a time. guest: point taken.
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as i said earlier the enerational boundaries are not fixed in stone. they are useful ways to understand differences that ccur among different demographic groups. to stay with a political eight s, this was true years ago, it was true four certainly nd almost going to be true six weeks from now. f you look how americans vote and through generation or age there's an absolute straight you are the more likely you are to vote conservative or republican, the likely to vote liberal or democratic. ist: as you talk through that can show the chart from pew that partisan the 2014 advantage by year of birth and you see the line and direction go down the u generations from millennial to boomer to x, baby silent generation which are more democratic and democratic more republican and republican leaning.
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guest: this is a particularly think ting moment to about that because this was not always the case. if you go back to our elections 1990's the 1980's and nd early 2000's there was no generation gap in how old and young voted. election,er that 2000 50-50 that the supreme court had to decide between bush and gore. 50-50 among older adults and younger adults. what happened over the last and a half is that as our young are population is aging nto the electorate and it is the embodiment of a population hat is more driven by immigrants and children of immigrants and more diverse, it liberal set a more of values and older adults increasingly have adopted a more set of values so there is a generation gap in how way it that is a useful understand some of the dynamics in our politics. that doesn't mean and i couldn't with you more, that
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doesn't mean that the class differences are not important. era where income and wealth inequality has an issue in it is this campaign and been an issue many years. for tracy is on the line 18 to 29-year-olds from baltimore. good morning. caller: good morning. you?are host: doing well. just r: my question was i skwrus am looking at the election and two candidates. answer who do you believe would be the best candidate for individuals that individuals and growing and trying to find jobs. really, withhink is their policies is a good candidate to be president? not going to endorse anyone. go to survey data. if you ook at how -- look at issues like climate affordability, a
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whole rang of issues around diversity and acceptance of you look at d attitudes by age of american public on those issues it is that the views hillary clinton are more closely aligned with the views of young adults of donald trump. so, on the basis of per policy she ought to be able to win a big majority of the millennials. now when look at the polling she s understood performing among millennials vis-a-vis where barack obama was four an eight years ago among this group. the explanation here has to do with another tkpeup dimension, which is medical lineals in particular don't like politics as usual. to say the s fair whole american public doesn't like politics as usual but they strongly. that is one reason the somewhat vermont enator from 1974 years old did so extremely well during the democratic the
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he captured their enthusiasm because he represented a as king ball for politics usual. hillary clinton is the embodiment of politics as usual. positions r policy she ppeal to medicillennials doesn't appeal. can donald trump take advantage of that in november? see.all he is actually underperforming among millennials from where was.romney so a lot of millennials are giving a look to gary johnson an jill stein and it is hard to know exactly how that plays out ecause there's a tactical element to that. yes, i want to register a to est vote but do i want that it away and you ask question. host: a few tweets from three folks who follow us nearly every on the "washington journal." myland see medical lippials see eople on social security and
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driving lincoln town cars and why am i paying for it. they are sickened by the election choices. and jim says the baby boomer grew up with the greatest music world has ever written. guest: i endorse the last statement. austin on the line from 46 to 60. caller: good morning. to speak to millennials and i have two onderful sons who are doing very well in this economy, both went to college. ut i think that millennial ideals are buying into trap and hillary he way that clinton has been turned into omewhat of a caricature and they need to do their homework and vote their value and realize is the one clinton who is really supporting the important should be to them such as affordable care with college
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education -- help with college for women.equal pay protecting our planet. dealing with climate change. f.d.a., wealth inequality. whatdy who really looks at these two people represent, candidates, looks at the policy positions would be hillary clinton. i think it is obvious. and change is ok, complaining is but trump is not the answer. he is very dangerous. host: paul taylor, i will give you a chance to respond. before you do that i want to poll from s a recent the economist that came out september 10 through 13. first poll asks how feel about hillary clinton and dark 30 and those under whether they are enthusiastic and satisfied and light blue 30.e under next column over dark those dissatisfied and over
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30 dissatisfied and upset. ou can see the differencing between these two going to the same question but about republican candidate donald again split up by age group how do you feel about donald trump. under 30 just over 0% are enthusiastic and those over 30 reaching 20%. those dissatisfied under 30 well 30% and those over 30 bout 3% say they are dissatisfied. your interpretation. guest: just to respond to the caller, i think she states it correctly. if you align the policy views of ideals with the policy proposals by the is lopsided toward hillary clinton. the notable thing is, however, she's in the surveys underperforming among this group and i think that does have to do with the fact into she's a the status quo
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incremental change but epresents the status quo in a change election. wrecking ball a for the establishment. now, for a lotting people that a lot of ng, for people that is scary given the nature of his temperament and rest.e hillary clinton, i feel certain saying is going to do better millennial ideals than -- millennials than donald trump better than any other age group. the question is will she run up numbers. four years ago barack obama need big numbers among millennial win this election and the same will be true of her. millennials than before and there is a power her to dig into. i suspect the next six weeks it s not only hillary clinton but both obamas and elizabeth warren and bernie sanders will be out the
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when hillary clinton went to longge campuses during the primary campaign against bernie sanders she didn't do a lot of college events because there was a lot of fervor for her but 10,000, 20,000 people getting up. she needs to bridge that gap. aboutwe are talking issues as they relate to campaign 2016. shane is in concord, new hampshire on the line for those between 30 and 45. caller: i just want to say something. there has been a lot of negativity in the campaigns. i think a lot of it has to do with the media. all it does is report negativity and that discourages millennials. they have seen this world being sold out as if it was like
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crashing into some sort of apocalyptic scenario. somethingwe have like that is more positive and stuff like that? are justillennials turned off by everybody turning on each other and thinking everybody is in enemy because of what the news media or do, youans, what they know. thatnk that the problem is we are kind of disgusted with the fact that it is all negativity. when you say "we," do you consider yourself a millennial? caller: i am a little too old, almost 35. host: taylor? guest: i think you
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make a good point. more tribal.become we are tethering our political differences onto our ideological differences. the democratic administration has used more blacks, or hispanic. the republicans have used more white, religiously conservative and some gender differences as well. in this world it becomes our team against their team, and it becomes identity-based. what happened on top of that in the last 20 to 30 years is our media, given technological changes, i grew up in a world where there were three broadcast networks. --re was walter conch right walter cronkite, the voice of god speaking to tens of millions
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and delivering the news in a self test somewhat straight forward -- somewhat .traightforward manner increasingly we live in a world where fox news presents one reality and msnbc presents another. you have lots of places where you can amplify some of the group differences. it does lead to a pretty toxic political environment. i am a former journalist. there is a bias in journalism. course reporting about conflict and bad news because bad news is inherently interesting and helps define what is normal and tells us, this is abnormal. journalism will always tend to skew toward that. when you throw in some of the tribal and political differences and you wind up with a public that does see a lot of venom.
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there is a classic polling question that has been asked ever since the beginning of polling. generally speaking do you think things are on the right track or d think the country is going in the wrong direction? the15 or 16 years in a row majority of americans say we are going in the wrong direction. in the history of polling we have never had that long of a run where the public says things are not going so well. there are a lot of explanations for that and you can look at the economic inequality, a world of terrorism, school shooting. there are a lot of things that grabbed our attention that are legitimately bad news. there is a lot going right in the america of 2016. i do not want to sound like a pollyanna but employment that unemployment is half what it was six or seven years ago. finally median incomes are rising. we remain far and away the biggest economy in the world
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with the leading military. if you think about the digital age which 100 or 200 years from now they will probably look back and say, that is when the digital age began. a country that has the entrepreneurship and ingenuity and financial capital to exploit the digital age, facebook and google and microsoft, they are all happening here because of that incredibly inventive, ingenious culture that we have, a culture very much upheld by an propelled forward by receptivity to people from all countries. maggot forl a immigrants. i could go on and on and paint a glass half full portrait. you do not tend to get that in religious dust in political seasons. -- in political seasons. i think the public is pretty depressed. host: on the line for 18 to
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29-year-olds, joe from harleysville. caller: i wanted to see your opinion on this. would you say nostalgia plays a big role in different generations having different perspectives on things? when we are young, the world seems rose-colored glasses and everything seems great. as we enter the real world and bills and stresses pileup and we ,ind childhood was way better isn't that common over the years and through the generations that the glory days are nostalgic and aspire to get back to, and things will never be the same again? guest: i think a lot of these differences that we are talking about are hardwired into the lifecycle for reasons that you described. but nonetheless, overlaying
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that, there are some of these demographically and economically driven differences. i will go to a survey result that i think is telling. the question was, generally have things for people like you gotten better or worse over the last 50 years? among donald trump supporters, say forhem of all ages people like me, things have gotten worse over the last 50 years. among hillary clinton supporters, only about 20% said things have gotten worse for people like me. yes, there is a lifecycle effect to when we look back to our past but i think there is also in around how comfortable you are with the demographic changes happening around us. i would go as much to a racial and perhaps gender dimension as an age dimension. we are in a time in history where white men in particular
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are losing some of their cultural preeminence. it is happening in the marketplace, in the culture, and it is unsettling. it is unsettling for any group when it loses some of the gains and the pedestal it occupies. i think in his way donald trump is tapping some of that. i think it is one of the elements that has fueled his candidacy and given him a significant base of supporters. host: you talk about donald trump in his generational outreach. here was donald trump in his rally in philadelphia this weekend talking about hillary clinton and bernie sanders' supporters living in their basements. trump: what bernie sanders did to his supporters was very unfair and they are really not his supporters any longer, and they are not going to support hillary clinton. i really believe a lot of those
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people are coming over, and largely because of trade, college education, lots of other things, but largely because of trade they are coming over to our side. you watch. especially after hillary mocks him and mocks all of those people by attacking him and his supporters as living in their parents' basements and trapped in dead end careers. that is not what they are. she describes many of them as ignorant and they want the united states to be more like scandinavia, but that half the people do not know what that means in a really sarcastic tone. host: taylor, your thoughts? that moreis the case millennials are living in their parents' homes than any other generation that age in the last 50 or 80 years, about one third.
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this does have to do with their economic circumstances. what is interesting is they actually, we are a culture that stigmatize that sort of thing. get out with it and get on with it. there is less generational tension around specifically living in your parents' house into your 20's and 30's. they are not getting married at the same rights that younger adult did. that has to do with a lot of the economic challenges they face. they are not getting married, , andg homes, buying cars taking a slower walk into adulthood. it is a cultural change that reflects the economic circumstances. the last thing i would say is despite that, they are an optimistic generation. they believe it is going to work out for them and for the country. i think some of the reasons perhaps trump's message doesn't
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quite resonate, he paints a gloom and doom picture where the country is going to help. i do not think that resonates -- the country is going to hell. i do not think that resonates with younger voters. n in new york city on the line for those 61 and older. caller: i would like to remind the millennials what jack kennedy said, ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. i would also like to say, the activists i see are the black people in black lives matter, they are the ones on the streets being politically active for something they want. too am of an age where that jack kennedy quote meant a lot to me and our generation.
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i think this generation of young adults, like most generations, is very idealistic, wants to make the world a better place. i have survey data that can show that. what has changed in that 50 years or so is they do not see politics as a venue to make positive change. they look at a world where there is disruption and change every it coming, most of from technology companies inventing new ways of doing things. then they look to washington, d.c., and what do they see, gridlock, toxic politics, and they throw up their hands. my guess is this generation will find a way in their private lives and family lives, where they work and for whom they volunteer, perhaps openly being drawn toward politics. is not unusual for younger generations not to participate fully in the per local process.
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turnout rates for millennials are particularly low but when you get into the 30's and 40's you pass through adulthood that they are getting through more slowly. you worry about the potholes down the street and the quality of your schools, and that tends to draw you more toward political action. perhaps just voting and perhaps something deeper. host: matt from sumter, south carolina on the line for those 30 to 45 years old. caller: i would like to speak a little bit about the millennial and presidential thing. i was born back in the 1980's so i grew up learning about reagan and bill clinton and bush and the obama administration. going how our country is has not been very well and you all had to grow up from a very
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early age. i started working when i was still in high school so for me i know life is pretty much difficult. i understand we'll all have to learn from our parents and grandparents of a lived and how we have to live now. with things being more difficult, now we are trying to raise our own kids. it just makes it even harder. i kind of see where clinton is coming from and i do kind of see where donald trump is coming from. much really do not share with either one of the two parties speaking on what they are going to do about protecting our country, what they are going to do for our borders, and how our younger generation is going whoote for the right person is going to do the right job for our country that has to be done. of us can be safe and be able to live and long,
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happy life in this country. i was kind of wondering from paul's perspective, what he , what our country would turn out to be like if one of the two candidates was voted for. host: this seems like a good place to end. guest: i am not going to put my psalm on the scale. on the scale. it does strike me that this election has been less about policy discussion than most we have had in recent times. i think that has to do with the anti-political mood of the country and frankly, the very large personality of donald trump. you either love him or hate him and that has overwhelmed normal political discourse. you mentioned there has not been any discussion for example about border security.
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there has been a lot of discussion about border security and in many ways that is how donald trump started his candidacy. hillary clinton has a different view. even though we are not talking about it as much right now, that is there and one of the issues around which the public will make an informed decision. host: paul taylor is author of "the next america." always appreciate your time here. guest: thank you for having me. host: we are going to continue talking about these topics so stay on the phone lines. you can keep calling in on those phone lines. next we will focus specifically on millennials' views of campaign 2016. john della volpe is with us, the polling director at the harvard institute of politics. book tv and american history on the road to pueblo, colorado at 2:00 p.m., including a look at
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the colorado coal strike and what is known as the ludlow massacre. >> we are in the children of ludlow exhibit which commemorates the 100th anniversary of the ludlow massacre. this exhibit really resonates with visitors of today. even though this story is more than 100 years old, it still touches so many issues that we think about today. they are issues of gun control and gun violence, issues of labor, issues of immigration, and so all of those come to play in this exhibit. there are many ways in which the public comes in and finds an immediate modern-day connection to that. the ludlow massacre was a horrific time in american history. 20, 1914.d on april
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women, children, and working men were killed in defense of their ability to earn a living wage in this country. host: you can want all of that on pueblo, colorado this weekend on american history tv and book tv. you can also go to tour. from boston we are joined by john della volpe, the polling director of the harvard institute of politics and we will take a deep dive into millennials' campaign views. maybe we should ask why we take so much time talking about millennials and recent elections turnout among millennials has been lower than most other age groups. the question is, are they going to turn out in the same numbers in this election? what do we know? stage we know
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according to the public polling i have seen is they are less enthusiastic about this campaign then in the 2012 and 2008 campaign most certainly. only 45% on a national basis of millennial voters showed up. in the four to five king -- key swing states, you saw overall turnout 50% to 51%. unfortunately, they do not vote to the same degree that members of other generations do. i think as paul mentioned, the have the largest generation in the history of america. what that means is despite the fact that more than half of them will vote, you have more people under the age of 30 participate in a campaign by voting than folks over the age of 65. approximately one in five votes will come from folks 18 to 29
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and millennials extend all the way to 35, 36. that could be at least a quarter of the electorate. host: john della volpe is the polling director at the harvard institute. maybe you could address this tweet addressed to our last guest. rogers says the problem with this discussion is that it is polling data driven and one thing that is clear, polling data is perceived as partisan. what do you have to say? guest: there has been a lot of debate and discussion across america this week about the different kinds of polls. there was a big dispute after the debate in terms of the trump campaign indicating that a half dozen or so polls indicated he had won the debate. those polls were what we call opt in polls conducted by media outlets where folks can vote numerous times. those are traditionally different from public opinion surveys conducted from folks like us at harvard, media
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outlets, and other folks where the samples are representative of the american public and we do everything we can to make sure they are not biased in any way. a lot of the questions we ask we have been continuing to ask for the past 16 years since we have been in this project. most of the public polls are treated the same way. you have a republican as well as a democrat who work together to collaborate on the question writing as well as the analysis. host: tell your viewers what you were doing on debate night, and whether you think the debate changed anything in the minds of millennials. said, i'm the director of polling at harvard's institute of politics and we had about 20 different schools as part of our national campaign consortium participate. about 50 or 60 students were online with us across the country during the debate.
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we had folks from the university of florida, simpson college, ohio state, university of kansas, and many others, several of which were in swing states. over the course of the debate we were in contact with them asking their preferences heading into the debate, during the debate, and how the debate might have changed their opinions. not surprising, like most of the public polling, hillary clinton , about 52%he debate of our sample preferred her to be the next president. the other half were split between trump, johnson, stein, and undecided. coming out of it she was stronger, although about two thirds indicated their mind was not changed. of those who said their mind had changed by a margin of 2-1, they preferred clinton. their mind changed toward her.
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having said that, this is somewhere between we call them a virgin tell a meeting -- virtual tele-meeting. certainly not representative of everything but it gave us a good indication as the debate was happening. host: you have been surveying millennials through your millennial agenda project, millennial agenda for the next president. what do millennials want to see from their next president? guest: we have been calling this generation for 16 years and that includes 5000 or 6000 quantitative interviews every year. in some cases a handful, and other cases dozens of focus groups and qualitative interviews across the country. in the last six to nine months, we have assembled that research and asked young people 18 to 29 to indicate the five most important issue points that they
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wanted to see addressed in the next president, whoever he or she might be. essentially we found the following five things are the key issues that form the millennial agenda for 18 to 29-year-olds. seek tot is which, they see a president focus on the big two issues, the economy, creating jobs, ensuring that we are safe from terrorism at home as well as abroad. it is interesting, however, the next couple of issues that were discussed as well as rated very highly were less tangible. americansude uniting to address the sense of inequality that so many young people feel. that occurs in every single front, age, race, generation, etc. the sense of inequality is something that drives so many
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issues in american politics, especially in the mind of young voters. the fourth issue was interesting. about half of the millennials really were touched by 9/11. they were in high school, perhaps starting college, and they remember where they were but they remember the aftermath where young americans, as well as all americans were united, and young people seek a candidate and a president who will not be dividing us anymore but uniting the country in that post 9/11 sense where we all acted as one. that was the fourth issue, and youngfth and final issue, people are telling us the other four might be more likely to reduceif we were able to the role of big money in politics. those are the big five agenda items i'm paying attention to as i look at the vice presidential debate next week and the two presidential debates after that. the extent to which the
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candidates can address those issues, i think they will have a significant advantage connecting with millennials. is the website to check out some of this research. 45-year-olds, (202) 748-8001 46 to 61-year-olds, (202) 62, (202)and over 748-8003 comment abouta millennials and you are talking negatively about us living with our parents. can someone speak to the fact
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that millennials are actually benefiting the home structure? they are able to stay and help with older grandparents, hope their parents who are not making the money that they could to be able to retire. it is more of a nuclear family where it is beneficial to all ablee, and where they are to save money to pay off debt and bills instead of entering the american society with all kinds of debt. tax reform is something that is really important for me. i pay my taxes and live in an area where the roads are not very well. money could be put to school and infrastructure. please speak about the polling data and how millennials feel about tax reform, specifically how their tax dollars are being used for things that are beneficial and will help make america great again. .hank you for taking my call i am a hillary supporter and i look forward to your comment. host: great question.
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guest: when we deal with the issue of taxes, i do not think there is a question that young people in general are ok with paying taxes as long as one thing happens, as long as they trust the government they are paying the taxes to. there is a lot of data in our survey and others that young people do generally believe in an active role of government. they are ok with the idea of paying taxes. however, it is incredibly important to note that like other members of the electorate, young people every single year show less trust and less faith in all enterprises related to government. congress, federal and state , we have seen less trust on a year-to-year basis. the concern is that, and as we
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look at this campaign, it is not just about persuading young people to vote for one candidate , a second versus a third or a fourth. it is about reminding folks that government matters, that whoever is responsible, whoever is president can move government in a way that moves the country forward. we need to establish trust in the system and trust within each of those campaigns. that is one thing related to taxes in the role of government. regarding living with your parents, we talked to a lot of young people and they do not like doing that. in many cases it is the aftermath of the recession. a piece of data came out from the wall street journal that young people are taking savings much more serious than members of my generation, and millennials are more likely to pay for college in their early 30's than other generations.
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cannot -- we cannot miss the fact that they are living at home, but that is one set of a different set of priorities regarding the way in which they think about their life financially. host: charles in dell toner, florida for those 61 and over. caller: i was a staunch bernie supporter and it was very easy for me to make the transition to decide to vote for clinton, even though i do not fully agree with all of her policies. and i hope that the millennial generation that was backing bernie can recognize how important their contribution to the future of our country can be , for them to decide now to do everything that they can to ensure that trunk does not become our next president --
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trump does not become our next president. someonei see that, if who was a former bernie supporter who is in a state that is very likely to decide the outcome of the election, that it is important and we need to put out this message. it is very important that those people vote for clinton. where itive in a state is very clear that the state is going to go for clinton, that they come out anyway and create some kind of protest vote that votes for a candidate other than trump. all of that being said, i would also like to say that, i would like to get the opinion of the guest on the idea of lowering the voting age. i personally would be in favor of a voting age of 12 years old. i think that is the proper voting age for a true democracy.
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anyone who reaches the age of puberty, ought to be able to cast a vote. i think that if the voting age was lowered to something probably more realistically like 16, that we would actually get a much greater turnout of voters throughout the lifetime of our voting ages. i think if people learned while they were very young the significance of voting, and had the capacity to actually participate as young people, that that would stay with them throughout their entire lives and we would build a much greater nation of citizens who are dedicated to making our country great. host: that is charles in florida. john della volpe, what do you think? guest: it is an interesting idea but before young people 16 and 17 fight for the right to vote, i think it is incumbent that 18,
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19, 29-year-olds vote. unfortunately only one in two members of that cohort votes. if we saw numbers much higher than that perhaps it would be a stronger case. it is an interesting idea but i do not think it is likely to happen. massachusetts, rachel on the line for 29 to 34-year-olds. caller: i am wondering where are the millennials that hillary clinton should focus on and how can she convince them to vote for her? guest: that is a great question, rachel. ways is goingany to come down to the following scenario. i think the degree to which hillary clinton can reach out to millennials versus gary johnson versus folks staying home. she needs to do a couple of things, persuade young people that their vote matters, that
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together it is important that young people are part of this process. she needs to convince them that she is a better alternative than the protest vote the other caller is talking about. it is a two-part equation that she needs to fill. i am looking at states like the hampshire, like florida, ohio, even virginia and north carolina. these are states where the millennial vote has played a critical role and will play a critical role, not just in this campaign but back to 2008. north carolina, virgin you, and indiana or three states that turned from red to blue during the obama campaign in 2008. plus new hampshire and florida could be decided upon the degree to which the millennial vote goes either to hillary clinton or a third-party. host: john is in fairfax
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station, virginia on the line for those 61 and older. john, are you there? esperanza, miami beach, florida on the line for those 61 and older. caller: good morning. contrary to what hillary kenton believes that clinton believes, the millennials -- hillary clinton believes, the millennials who live and their parents' basement who want to be like scandinavians who want everything free. i am a senior and in the late 1960's, history was a very important part of our nation. interesteds are more in the state of teaching everything like history. iny are mainly interested
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adopting the students socially. millennials,ple, it is really lack of information. host: john della volpe, do you want to talk about that? guest: thank you, esperanza. we actually asked a series of questions in the polling that we released in the springtime at the end of april. it is available on our website,, if we asked them about their views of socialism and capitalism and political labels used in american politics. one of the most significant results i think we found in recent years was the fact that less than half of young people
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support capitalism. certainly the way in which capitalism in their mind is practiced today. 42% smaller number than the of those who support capitalism called themselves capitalists. i think that is a critique on the system today on the sense of inequality and the role that wall street is playing, but that is not to say that young people are socialists. that theyer indicate support or consider themselves to be socialists. to say they are socialists and indoctrinated is not backed up by any data or evidence i have ever seen. host: question from sandra in eastpoint, michigan on the line for 61 and older. caller: how are you? host: doing well, go ahead. caller: when i found out is
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there is so many people who do not know the difference between a republican or a democrat. like for instance, like with hillary, she has a wonderful program for anyone who wants to go to community college to go for free. help the middle alwaysnd the poor, while the republicans are always helping the wealthy. donald has not paid taxes for 20 years. a couple months ago he made the remark that our union workers make too much money. the minimum wage is too high. it is a scary thing. i really hope that bernie sanders' people back hillary because i mean, she really would help the middle class and poor he gotonald trump, how away with not paying taxes for 20 years i do not know, but he seems to be proud of it.
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i think it would be a very scary choice. when he mentioned using the bomb , nuclear weapons, i just really thatthat people understand the democrats help the middle class and poor while the republicans, they only help the wealthiest people in our country. host: john della volpe, a couple of issues sandra brings up. guest: one macro level issue is the role of parties. democrats andut republicans and whether it is the. i do not think this generation thinks about politics through party like others do. the roles of unions and traditional institutions are far less relevant for young people today. the second part she brought up was a sense, a comparison of donald trump's or republican
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agenda versus hillary clinton and the democratic agenda on the economy. one of the first questions we asked at this virtual town hall during the debate was, which candidate after the initial exchange to you trust more on the economy? although hillary clinton was favored by the group of 50 or 60 that participated, that was relative to the other issues, the one issue that trump fared best. r, i thinkoned earlie the economy is number one on the millennial agenda, and any candidate who is interested in persuading the vast number relatively speaking, of undecided millennials, need to address that issue. it is difficult because there is not a lot of sense of trust, the unfavorable numbers for this generation are through the roof. difficult because you need to
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talk about issues while trying to instill a sense of trust and a connection between the individual voter and the campaign candidate. host: any we have a discussion about voter age it always leads to comments. a few comments after the caller brought up possibly lowering the voting age. henry says, it should be raised to 25 when people are learned, have more life experience, and better understand responsibility. we will go to tonya in gig harbor, washington. caller: how are you? guest: good, tonya. in,er: i just wanted to put i am 52 years old and i noticed with the younger kids, a lot of them are listening to more of the propaganda per se on tv, versus actually, what you would
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think being technological driven they would be able to get more information but they do not. more and more of them are going, we need this, we need this, but they are not even sure what a republican is or a democrat is or even how the system works. a lot of them are just confused. i listen to my children's friends and they are in their late 20's and 30's. what they are saying, some of them are actually fighting, donald trump this, or they listen to the tv and say clinton is a liar. what about trump? you guys are not taking in all the facts. a lot of them are living at home or they are trying to make it on their own and they realize that you cannot live on your own in this day and age on the minimum wage anyway. it is just becoming more and more difficult and i am
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wondering if there is a way to get to this younger generation to teach them without actually forcing your views down their throat. , a family member , his wife is very republican and her father is from texas and extremely hard-core republican. it is sickening stuff that gets posted. they posted a picture of this person on welfare with a big basket full of food. then it shows a lady holding a small basket and she works. that right there is just wrong. host: john della volpe? she talks a lot about the sense of the state of political discourse in this country. a lot of that information shared online through social networks. my instinct is that those qualities do not only apply to young people, young americans. they apply unfortunately to all americans.
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i do not think that young americans deserve to be blamed as the only ones not paying attention or not well educated on these issues. in our survey work we do not just ask the horserace questions , we dive deeply into issues like the sense of the american dream, the role of the government, sense of foreign policy, etc. we have a wide-ranging view of issues and ideologies of this generation, and they are far more well researched and they take it much more seriously than many people might think. the fact that only one in two might vote, does not mean they are apathetic. it means they do not trust the system and they do not think their vote matters because they do not necessarily see a significant difference in the future of the country based on which candidate wins or loses. expectot unlikely to
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that more young people might volunteer in their community this year then vote in the presidential election. they care deeply about their community, state, and country but do not feel that the federal government and candidates we have for office in the cycle are the best to move us forward. they want to roll up their sleeves, work in a soup kitchen, teach in church, build a house to move their community and country forward. host: when millennials are watching the campaign trail, there listening to the candidates. who are the campaign surrogates who most appeal to the millennials? who is out there on behalf of the candidates that millennials want to hear from? guest: that is a great question. especially on the democratic side young people want to hear from bernie sanders. i believe he won more millennial votes during the primary season
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then both hillary clinton and donald trump combined. some significant findings from our research of past april is that i think his campaign, the messages, the policy positions that he put forward really moved in a significant way members just not of the party, but of a generation a couple of points further to the left. i think he is by far the most effective surrogate in the cycle for anybody. regarding others, i think the degree to which donald trump's campaign from members of his family but others who have had a sense or have worked with him whether inside or outside the trump organization, would be effective surrogates. similar things i think from gary johnson and jill stein. the have been a lot of surveys indicated that the third and fourth party, the two alternative candidates combined
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actually have over 20%. we will see in the survey we released in a couple of weeks but i really do think that this election is in some ways less about, on the millennials side less about clinton versus trump but more about clinton versus the third party. n in hamden, connecticut on the line for those between 30 and 45 years old. caller: just coming off of what you are saying, i am 37 and i'm not a millennial that i'm not a gen x. what i gathered so far from this whole election season, i was a big fan of bernie and so glad i got to see him in new haven. after everything that happened with him and the democratic party and the convention, all of that, i have switched affiliation. i am an independent voter and
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will be voting for gary johnson. just wanted to put that out there and i think this is kind of what you guys are talking about. i really think this is the time raise at least a viable third party in this country. that is all i wanted to say. host: john della volpe, more on a third-party? guest: that is what a significant number of sanders voters are seeking. of folks 18 to 29, we do not focus only on millennials but we have been focusing on the youth vote. our research as well as other research, i think that more the johnson vote if it were a two way race would be voting for hillary clinton. essentially what we are seeing is those folks voting for johnson are taking votes away from hillary clinton. that would be very meaningful and will be very meaningful in swing states like florida, like the hampshire, and like several
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others. unionville,tte in missouri on the line for those between 46 and 60. caller: i would like to talk about my millennials. i am a generation x, i am 40 years old. i have a 19-year-old and 21-year-old and i will be voting johnson. the people in my community, the younger ones are voting for johnson, a viable third party. i wonder why there is not more talk about when there are four people on the ballot, why are we not pulling for the four ideologies? why are we stuck in the paradigm of us versus them, blue versus red? it is time the american people take a hard long look at what leadership governing is. experience on the johnson ticket than either the trump or clinton ticket. guest: that is a solid point. a lot of polls today are
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basically running on a two-way scenario which is not the scenario, versus a four-way scenario. we are able to see the extent to which johnson is picking up support. the degree to which folks have criticism of those candidates not breaking through, you cannot blame that on millennials. millennials, sometimes one in five of those votes are for the candidate -- the third-party candidate. the libertarian candidate and the green party candidate have done a good job using the means of social media to connect with independent-minded young people. for them to be a viable option to appear on the presidential debate stage, it will do more than connect them with just millennials but with gen xers like ourselves, with boomers, with seniors, and that is a real problem at this stage with a third-party candidate. host: a few more calls with john della volpe of the harvard
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politics. jane in rockton, illinois on the line for 46 to 60. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. this is similar to the last caller. i have three children who are in that 18 to 29 category. i have a college graduate who was lucky enough to find a job shortly after graduation. who is in both college and the military, and i have one who went through the military. all three of them are voting for trump. i thought it was interesting that you set the top two issues for the millennials are the economy and national security. all three of my children were obviously very young -- my youngest of not remember it -- but my two others remembered
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9/11 vividly and i was a firefighter so they saw the impact it had on the community. on national security, donald trump is the one that speaks to that the most over hillary, as well as the economy. we are middle-class and instilled in our children a very strong work ethic. living in the parents' basement unfortunately is true, they not be fair to all the millennials because i like to think that my children will not be living in my basement. the problem is, is that the millennials coming out of college, there is so much pressure to go to college. there is the perception that if you do not have a college degree you are not going to go anywhere in life, and that is partly because many of these jobs that people in my generation were able to get, factory and labor jobs, are no longer here. trump is the one who has the best plan to bring those back to the u.s. or keep them in the u.s., and my children and their friends recognize that.
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we have a really strong discussion between our age group about trump or hillary or third-party candidates, and there is a good discussion. i notice with my children and their peers, you are either one or the other. they has some pretty passionate conversations about hillary versus donald trump. i think, i guess what i am missing is how all of the millennials, how you can categorize most of the millennials as voting for hillary when really it is trump who has the best policy to bring jobs back and secure this nation. guest: i very much understand your point of view. i have three millennials at home , 17, 20, and 21 so kind of in the same boat. one of the interesting aspects i think of this race is how young people think about the future of
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america. we asked in a survey about a year ago about the state of the american dream. it is something that i think is incredibly important in this campaign and perhaps should be spoken about even more. ,hen i asked, do you believe yes or no, that the american dream is alive for you today, only half from 18 to 29 believe for them the american dream is alive. what is interesting, it is not driven by race or even by age, it is driven among 18 to 29 euros by the extent -- 29-year-olds by the extent to which they have a college degree or not. folks who have a college degree or are pursuing one were far more likely to think about the future. this is the heart of this campaign, providing opportunities for every single young american, every single
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american regardless of whether or not you are choosing to pursue a path in college or pursue a path that does not include college but may include vocational or other kinds of training. dream,se of the american providing opportunity to all americans is a candidate who persuadingcessful in this relatively high number of undecided people under the age of 30. , are youthat time surprised that here we are under 40 days left, the amount the candidates have spent, or lack of amount they have spent on the issue of college cost and student debt? guest: i think that is one issue that is interesting, because that connects democrats and republicans and connects most all americans. student debt is the second most high form of debt after the
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mortgage. it is increasing at significant rates and you are right, i do not think it has been talked about to the extent that it can be. that is something that not only young people can connect to the parents of young people as well. we talked a lot about demographics being destiny regarding the last couple of campaign cycles heading into this one, but we are seeing issues related to socio-economics, levels of education driving this race rather than just demographics. certainly the role of household debt and student debt are incredibly important. it probably does not get the amount of attention perhaps it should be. host: cheryl has been waiting in warsaw, virginia on the line for those between 46 and 60. caller: good morning. first, i would like to start my opinion on the american dream.
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right now, the majority of the people that i know have a very grim outlook on the american dream and the future of it. that the onlyhink way to bring back the american , and is to bring back jobs trump is the one to do that. to a lady that called ,arlier that kind of upset me and is very misinformed. returns, release tax and it was on the news. i saw it this morning. his lack of paying federal taxes , many view it as many's -- very smart. he saved a lot of money. that is good business. thirdly -- host: we are running out of time
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so i want to give john della volpe a chance to talk about some of your comments. comment thatk the really can summarize the ,ituation is that young people it is just not about one issue or another issue. the fact is that less than one in four young people trust congress, one in 10 trust the media, one in 10 trust wall street. lack of a relationship between young people and the government is completely fractured and broken. more young people disapproved of each of the candidates then favorable. i think we need to deal with these issues that we talked about before, homeland security, terrorism, the economy, etc., but do it in a way that lists up the spirits of young people -- lifts up the spirits of young people.
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more people want to engage in this campaign that are currently being empowered. i think there is opportunity left in this campaign for each of the campaigns to identify the most passionate young people who do not just want to vote but who want to actively engage in the last month of this campaign and moving forward. the candidate i think who can do that, who can identify and empower and ask for more is the candidate i think can persuade and mobilize people on election day. i predict that young people will choose the next president of the united states, 18 to 29-year-olds. , at: john della volpe polling director at the harvard institute of politics. that is going to do it for our program today. we will berning spending the first half of our program focusing on the new term of the supreme court. one of our guests will be lawrence hurley, reuters'
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supreme court reporter talking about the key cases that will be coming up. we will also be talking about the clean power plan, the obama administration's power plan with david don ager at 8:30. at 9:15 we will be joined by david french, staff writer for the national review and talking about campaign 2016. that is all coming up tomorrow on the washington journal. we will see you back here tomorrow morning. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] next, newsmakers with mary kay henry, president of the service employees international union.